Monday, June 20, 2022

Stitching Again

 I can honestly say if I did not have my belief and faith in God I would not have made it through the last 2 years. 

During this time I have learned I am not; nor do I need to be perfect. This is something I have struggled with this a long time. 

The Father accepts, as well as loves me for who I am. That is enough for me. The opinions of others no longer concern me. I am who I am. 

During this time I have realized that in this go, go, go, world I do not have to be On every minute of the day: on the phone, on Facebook, on Instagram, or on You Tube. 

I am working on being still, so I am able to reflect and understand that God is with me no matter where I am.  

I am thankful for my friends like Bonni who have been with me during this time. I cherish our friendships. 

Things are beginning to get back to normal. I have actually been able to breath long enough to want to stitch. It has been so long, I wondered if I remembered how to do the stitches. LOL 

I will be working on stitching projects that have been put aside to until I was ready and able to work on them. Once I have picked them back up I will make sure to take photos to share with you. 

 Enjoy The Walk


End of June and a Birthday Celebration

How I started my birthday out. I had the day off so during the morning I put the Fusible Interfacing on the back of 4 of the Nine Patch bloc...