Saturday, June 29, 2024

End of June and a Birthday Celebration

How I started my birthday out. I had the day off so during the morning I put the Fusible Interfacing on the back of 4 of the Nine Patch block that will be used for my Fleur UFO. 

When I reviewed the strips to make the remaining Nine Patch blocks I discovered that I was short enough strips for 1 Nine Patch block so I cut the fabric for those, then sewed the strip sections together so when I am ready I can put the remaining Nine Patch blocks together.

While Bonni and I were on Jitsi I watched the Biggest Bumble Bees I have seen in years enjoying the Lavender as well as the Pansies and Carnations in the barrel on the back deck.  I am happy to see they are enjoying the flowers in the back yard. We only had one set of Cone Flowers come up this year to bloom. We believe the moles ate the roots of the other ones we had or the ground hog did. Either way we will need to plant more for the Bees and Butterflies. 

We celebrate birthdays no matter how old you are in our family. We have everyone create a list of items they would like to receive, then we pick from them. In the evening we celebrated my birthday with a wonderful light dinner, spice cake with vanilla ice cream and of course cards and presents. My family knows how much I love to craft so they bought somethings I had put in our Amazon account to purchase at some point. They also purchased some clothing that I had also wanted. 

Nikki embellished the heck out of my birthday card this year. She is getting so creative. My husband Rick said he didn't even do anything special to his. He didn't think he could compete with all that Nikki had done to hers. I loved them both. Bonni had sent a card with different purple flowers and a dragonfly on the front as well as the inside. 

Well that is all for today. I am on a stay-cation until July 8th so I am going to get back to working on that Fleur UFO.

Enjoy The Walk



Sunday, June 2, 2024

Learning EQ8


So I have decided to get serious about EQ8 I have been watching You Tube and have found some really good tutorials. Yes I know they have them on EQ8 and I will get to them as well. I like how on You Tube I am able to save a Playlist and watch them in order or skip around.

I created a lap / throw size quilt that will be 58"x58" then I realized I didn't add the sashing between the blocks. So I am going to create a 2nd one with the sashing to see which one I like better. Wish me luck! This is a snippet of the quilt. Let me know your thoughts.


Something else I tackled today. I updated my blog so the print is all black. I was having a hard time with the different shades of print so I decided to make it black. I think it is easier to read.

      Well that's all for today. 

     Enjoy The Walk 


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Time Slips Away So Fast. Where Does It Go?

 I haven't looked at my blog in almost a year . So many things have happened since my last post in July of 2023. There have been many changes as well. 

I have been working on myself a lot this past year. I realized how hard I was being on myself trying to make others happy. I realized that if I am not happy it doesn't matter if everyone else is. 

My thought process has changed. I am doing what it is that I like to do. I have started stitching again thanks to a dear friend. Yes Bonni that means you. 

A sweet friend Jodi has started her own You Tube channel Quilt Squirrel. You should check it out she is an amazing quilter, so very talented. 

Another dear friend was recently married, what a lovely celebration of their lives. I can't wait to see all the photos when she returns. 

I have chosen to buckle down to learn EQ8 so I can get ready to begin Dear Jane in January 2025. I will be posting how my journey goes here. 

Enjoy The Walk


End of June and a Birthday Celebration

How I started my birthday out. I had the day off so during the morning I put the Fusible Interfacing on the back of 4 of the Nine Patch bloc...