Monday, July 3, 2023

Well so much for staying on top of things. Have you ever noticed life has a way of doing that to you? 

I have been dealing with some health issues and have just not felt like blogging. I have not given up, I will keep trying to blog more often.

I bet you can guess, I haven't been stitching either. I think I tried to do too much at once, which caused my frozen shoulder issue. After that things kind of went down hill. A few days ago I started having issues with a pinched nerve or bone spurs reeking havoc with my left hip. I'm telling you I am walking more and trying to exercise but it just doesn't seem to be working out for me. I think I must have pinched the nerve or irritated the bone spurs when tossing the cut logs to my hubby to stack. I should have known better (she says to herself while shaking her head).

I have a great friend who keeps my spirits up and lets me know it is okay and that I will eventually get back to where I was. I am hoping to get back on track soon. I hope you have someone to support you when things are not going the way you thought they would. 

On a positive note, I was working on loosing weight. June, July, and August are hard months due to a lot of birthdays and celebrations for our family. I have lost weight and have not gained any back since last October, so I am happy with that. Now if this hip would just cooperate! 

We are looking to move to a property with a minimum of 2 acres, I would prefer 5-7 so we can have chickens, rabbits, and possibly a milk cow or goat. We are still debating on the cow or goat. I may just find a farmer to barter with to get the milk from.  

We looked at 2 houses this weekend, both in one day. One had water in the basement with a dry sump pump not a foot away, the 2nd had mold in the basement and the attic. Needless to say we didn't make an offer on either. 

That's the latest with me. I hope you all enjoy your 4th of July holiday, be safe!

Enjoy The Walk


Sunday, January 29, 2023

I need to work on my squirreling. I think I will set a timer for 20 or 30 minutes for things like Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram. If I could cut it down to only once or twice a week, that would be great! 

Do you have this issue as well? If so let me know how you tamed the rabbit hole I seem to get stuck in.

I finally finished cutting all the 4" strips for the Gathering Stars on FB sew along. These are the colors I decided to use:

I have uploaded Basket of Flowers from Needle Spot so I can print the applique patterns off. I am using it to show Nikki how to do applique.

I am currently working a Blackwork Embroidery that is a Sew A Long (SAL) on Facebook from Peppermint Purple SAL Group. I have provided the link:

This is what I have done so far, I still have to finish stitching the filler for block #1. I'm happy with how it is turning out as this is my first Blockwork Embroidery project.  

I am at the point where I moved my project boxes containing my UFO's so I can start working on them. I just have to pick a day to place them on my crafting / quilting calendar for accountability. 

Well I need to get back my stitching and enjoying my Sunday. Hope yours is going well. 

Enjoy The Walk


Sunday, January 8, 2023


I have made a few changes in 2023. I have changed the name of my blog and YouTube from QuiltingSusie to A Walk With Susan. 

My decision is based on my life being filled with so much more than quilting. I help my my husband with the garden. I am learning to preserve our harvest by canning and dehydrating. 

I'm getting more involved in preserving our harvest. I have some wonderful people on You Tube that I follow, Here are a few that inspire me:

Leisa @ Sutton's Daze

Constance @ Cosmopolitan Cornbread

Rachel @ 1870 Homestead

Leisa Sutton hosts a yearly Canuary and Crocktober. Leisa invites hosts from different YouTube channels to join in an effort to show you how to preserve food. I enjoy watching them all. 

Keeping my blog and planner current is another change that has happened in 2023. So far, so good! Yes, I know it is only January 8th however, this is my 2nd blog posts in 2023.  

Another change is walking and watching what I am eating. I am doing well so far. I began this journey in October. I have lost 9lbs. and didn't gain weight back over the holidays. I am very excited about that! 🙋

Well it's time to post this so I can let everyone know about these changes or no one will know were to find me. 😉

Enjoy The Walk


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Years !

What does the New Year mean to you? Some will dread it and some will embrace it.  

I have decided to embrace it, by reflecting on the changes that will bring less stress and more joy into my world. That will require my being more creative.

I have decided that this blog will receive more of my attention than it has in the past. It means that you will be hearing regularly from me. I will be sharing what I am working on through out the year.

I hope that you find happiness and peace in the New Year. 

Enjoy The Walk


Monday, June 20, 2022

Stitching Again

 I can honestly say if I did not have my belief and faith in God I would not have made it through the last 2 years. 

During this time I have learned I am not; nor do I need to be perfect. This is something I have struggled with this a long time. 

The Father accepts, as well as loves me for who I am. That is enough for me. The opinions of others no longer concern me. I am who I am. 

During this time I have realized that in this go, go, go, world I do not have to be On every minute of the day: on the phone, on Facebook, on Instagram, or on You Tube. 

I am working on being still, so I am able to reflect and understand that God is with me no matter where I am.  

I am thankful for my friends like Bonni who have been with me during this time. I cherish our friendships. 

Things are beginning to get back to normal. I have actually been able to breath long enough to want to stitch. It has been so long, I wondered if I remembered how to do the stitches. LOL 

I will be working on stitching projects that have been put aside to until I was ready and able to work on them. Once I have picked them back up I will make sure to take photos to share with you. 

 Enjoy The Walk


Monday, January 24, 2022

2022 The Year of Challenges and Growth

 In 2022 I have decided the only way to grow is by challenging myself. The first way was by being exposed as well as testing positive for Covid19.  Due to my allergies and asthma I believe it was a mild case due to having both vaccines and the booster. 

The next way I decided to grow was to begin an embroidery project for the year. I have being following Stitching A Round on Facebook and liked some of the concepts. 

I decided I wanted this project to have a special meaning to myself so I chose to use Sunbonnet Sue for each month instead of the icons. I will applique her to each month with the Button Hole Stitch. Kudos to Bonni Feltz for introducing that stitch to me. 

I will learn a new stitch to outline the spoke of each month. I will add other stitches and maybe even some Derwent Inktense Ink Pencils to add some additional texture. I can't wait to see how it turns out! This is what I have done so far:


I have been thinking about things I have always wanted to do but never took the time to do them. One is to learn Calligraphy. I chose to start with Modern Calligraphy. I am participating in a course by The Happy Ever Crafter with Becca at #showmeyourdrills_2022 . There is no judgement on where you are when you start or if you have ever picked up a pen to write Calligraphy. I like the atmosphere and the mentors who work with Becca. This is my very 1st assignment, onward and upward:

Boy Becca wasn't kidding when she said the squiggly one would be the hardest. That's okay. I will learn this just like anything else I have chosen to do.  I am not going to judge my practice drills, or be hard on myself. I am going to enjoy the experience and the time spent learning. 

At work we are choosing a word for 2022, mine is Content. In this world you are taught to want more of everything, that you have to have it all. 
I have come to realize that just isn't the case. 

I know, it took me long enough, remember WIP (work in progress) God isn't done with me yet. I am so blessed with my family and friends. I need to learn to be content with who I am and what I have and know that it is perfectly fine.

Well my lovelies I am getting tired and that alarm clock goes off mighty early in the morning. Take care of yourselves, do something kind or special for yourself. Remember you can't take care of others or even be there for them, if you don't take care of you!

Enjoy The Walk


Friday, December 17, 2021

Are You Ready For This Holiday Season?

This will be a short post. If I offend anyone I apologize in advance, that is not my intention.

Since 2020 we have been painfully reminded that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Forgive those who have wronged or hurt you to find inner peace. Hug those who are special to you, tell them you Love them. Say I'm sorry and really feel it as well as mean it. Don't be so hard on others or yourself for that matter, realize it is not worth the strife and hurt that it causes.

The holidays have always been something special to our family. We celebrate our Anniversary, Christmas, and being able to spend time together with our loved ones. This  year we will be trying to adapt to the new normal for us, as well as to our losses. I hope you find peace, joy, and happiness now and in the new year. 

Enjoy The Walk

End of June and a Birthday Celebration

How I started my birthday out. I had the day off so during the morning I put the Fusible Interfacing on the back of 4 of the Nine Patch bloc...